Case Studies
Enabling Community Leaders to Communicate About Climate Change
As the leading independent expert in weather and climate, the goal of RMetS is to raise awareness of climate change, how it affects the weather we experience and the impact it has on our daily lives.
RMetS has successfully trained professionals such as broadcast meteorologists, journalists and news editors in climate change, for many years. However, behavioural change theory suggests that the actions of those closest to us are a key factor in producing change. Equipping community leaders to talk about climate change and taking action is therefore key to improving climate literacy across the UK.
Funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), RMetS set out to reach 140 UK community leaders to examine how its climate change communications training needed be adapted to better effect behavioural change. By the end of the project, six virtual training sessions on communicating climate change had been delivered to 116 UK community leaders and evaluated.
This resulting case study details key findings and learnings.