Atmospheric Science Conference (November 2022) – Full Programme Announced
Atmospheric Science for Society
With just a couple of weeks left to register for the 2nd event (hosted on Zoom) of this year’s Atmospheric Science Conference, you can now view the full programme, combining keynote speakers with plenary presentations, parallel oral sessions (with Q&A), and short talks.
The Atmospheric Science Conference (ASC) 2022-23 programme will bring together atmospheric scientists from across the UK for a series of three meetings with the overarching theme of ‘Atmospheric Science for Society’.
The ASC aims to provide a format where people from the atmospheric science community can reconnect, present their work, discuss ideas, and identify the collective relevance of their science to society.
Agenda (times in GMT)
Morning Keynote Plenary
10.00am Conference Welcome - Lesley Gray, President, Royal Meteorological Society
Keynote Session - Chair: Prof Stephen Mobbs, Executive Director, NCAS
10.10am Weather Warnings – What’s the Point? - Dr Will Lang, Head of Situational Awareness, Met Office
10.35am Title TBC - Magdalena Balmaseda, ECMWF
11.00am Refreshment Break
Breakout Sessions
See the full programme for details
11.30am - 12.55pm Choose from topics: Tropical Cyclones
Air Quality
12.55pm Lunch Break
Afternoon Keynote Plenary
14.00pm Keynote Session - Chair: Prof Liz Bentley, CEO, Royal Meteorological Society
14.05pm Sources of Atmospheric Organic Aerosols and Investigating their Impacts on Health - Prof Jacqui Hamilton, NCAS Science Director, NCAS and University of York
14.30pm Title TBC - Adam Levy
14.55pm Refreshment Break
Breakout Sessions
See the full programme for details
15.30am - 16.35pm Choose from topics: Climate
Oceans and Teleconnections
Remote Sensing
16.35pm Close of Conference
Please visit www.atmosphericscienceconference.uk for more information.
The Atmospheric Science Conference is proudly hosted by the National Centre for Atmospheric Science and the Royal Meteorological Society, two of the UK’s most influential organisations committed to advancing atmospheric science.