RMetS Member Survey 2023: Insights, Concerns, and Commitments for the Future

25 September 2023

The Royal Meteorological Society wishes to express its gratitude to its members who took part in the RMetS Membership Survey 2023.

In a strong display of engagement, RMetS members embraced the opportunity to share insights which will help the Society deliver upon its mission to advance the understanding of weather and climate and its application for the benefit of all.

Member Views

Among the most prominent themes that surfaced, RMetS members voiced a mixture of intrigue and apprehension at the growing influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the field, as well as considerable unease over the rising tide of climate scepticism in public discourse.

The survey also highlighted concerns about professional recognition among members, both on an individual level and in terms of the broader recognition and status of the meteorological profession. This was related, in member responses, for the need for greater equity, diversity and inclusivity within STEM industries.

These concerns underscore the requirement for a concerted effort from the Society to address these challenges and ensure the continued excellence and relevance of the meteorological profession in a rapidly changing world.

More specifically:

Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI): In light of the feedback received in the recent member survey, the Society reiterates its commitment to fostering a more equitable, diverse and inclusive community. RMetS recognises the importance of EDI in ensuring the best use of talent that exists in all parts of society. To achieve this, RMetS will actively seek ways to attract and engage members from all backgrounds, ensuring that everyone's voice is heard and valued.

Professional Status: Member responses highlighted a desire for the Society to have a greater impact in enhancing the status of the profession. RMetS is eager to support this and will work diligently to strengthen its advocacy efforts. In addition to its comprehensive professional accreditation programme, by engaging with stakeholders, industry leaders, and the public, the Society will aim to elevate the profession's influence and ensure that members’ concerns are effectively communicated and addressed.

Nurturing Tomorrow's Leaders: Members expressed enthusiasm for inspiring the next generation of leaders in weather and climate science. In response, RMetS is reinvigorating its mentoring programme, educational initiatives, and networking opportunities to help emerging professionals thrive. The Society aims to provide the guidance and support needed to nurture future leaders who will carry the torch of the profession forward.

Elevating Membership Benefits: Input regarding membership was invaluable. RMetS is dedicated to enhancing the value members receive from the Society, which will includes an expanding range of resources, exclusive content, and professional development opportunities tailored to member needs and preferences. RMetS is committed to ensuring that Society membership remains a valuable and enriching experience.

Member Appreciation

Despite the concerns highlighted in the survey, members overwhelmingly expressed their appreciation for the Society's extensive range of member resources, training, CPD, and research. The access to authoritative and respected journals, the invaluable insights offered through the MetMatters website, the comprehensive online reports and information, the RMetS awards, and the rich tapestry of events and networking opportunities were universally lauded by survey respondents.


Learn more about RMetS Membership