1st RMetS Climate Change Forum
Coin Street Conference Centre
108 Stamford Street
South Bank
London SE1 9NH
The 1st Royal Meteorological Society Climate Change Forum runs under the theme “Risks and Resilience: Emerging challenges in a post Paris world” and takes place at Coin Street Conference Centre, London on the 4th June 2019. This event brings together the UK climate science community and is a unique chance to discuss current needs, research challenges and policy requirements in an interdisciplinary way.
The interactive format of the day consists of keynote lectures in the morning, an extended poster and networking session over lunch and interactive round table discussions in the afternoon.
Speakers in the morning from government, parliament and advisory bodies help to understand recent challenges of the UK society and government. The poster session features recent highlights in climate change research including natural, social sciences and interdisciplinary research approaches. It also covers climate actions from the private and public sector, science communication and the science-policy dialogue. This session provides an opportunity for exchanging knowledge from within the UK climate research community in interdisciplinary ways. The round tables in the afternoon explore science challenges for future research and society as well as current challenges the climate science community is facing.
Climate Evidence Needs of the UK Society and Government
Dr Julia Knights FRSB Deputy Director Energy & Climate Science BEIS
BEIS Climate Science Research Priorities
Deborah Owens Head of Climate Defra
Risk & Resilience Evidence Needs: A Defra Perspective
Julie Foley Director FCRM Strategy & National Adaptation Environment Agency
National Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy for England
Prof Jason Lowe Head of Climate Services at Met Office and Chair in interdisciplinary Climate Research at the Priestley Centre (University of Leeds).
Towards understanding, quantifying and acting on climate risk information
Guest Speaker
Julian Critchlow, Director general BEIS, Energy Transformation and Clean Growth Speech
The 1st Royal Meteorological Society Climate Change Forum runs under the theme “Risks and Resilience: Emerging challenges in a post Paris world” and takes place at Coin Street Conference Centre, London on the 4th June 2019. This event brings together the UK climate science community and is a unique chance to discuss current needs, research challenges and policy requirements in an interdisciplinary way.
The interactive format of the day consists of keynote lectures in the morning, an extended poster and networking session over lunch and interactive round table discussions in the afternoon.
Speakers in the morning from government, parliament and advisory bodies help to understand recent challenges of the UK society and government. The poster session features recent highlights in climate change research including natural, social sciences and interdisciplinary research approaches. It also covers climate actions from the private and public sector, science communication and the science-policy dialogue. This session provides an opportunity for exchanging knowledge from within the UK climate research community in interdisciplinary ways. The round tables in the afternoon explore science challenges for future research and society as well as current challenges the climate science community is facing.
Climate Evidence Needs of the UK Society and Government
Dr Julia Knights FRSB Deputy Director Energy & Climate Science BEIS
BEIS Climate Science Research Priorities
Deborah Owens Head of Climate Defra
Risk & Resilience Evidence Needs: A Defra Perspective
Julie Foley Director FCRM Strategy & National Adaptation Environment Agency
National Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy for England
Prof Jason Lowe Head of Climate Services at Met Office and Chair in interdisciplinary Climate Research at the Priestley Centre (University of Leeds).
Towards understanding, quantifying and acting on climate risk information
Guest Speaker
Julian Critchlow, Director general BEIS, Energy Transformation and Clean Growth Speech