Diverse Voices: Experiences of People of Colour at the Met Office
Virtual - Hosted on Zoom
Join us for the third in our ‘Diverse Voices’ online series! These informal conversations will help to amplify and celebrate the diversity of scientists working in and around the field of weather and climate in the UK. In this session, we will hear from two senior academics of colour about their background and journey to where they are today. Please join us to learn about our speakers’ career paths and experiences of working at the Met Office.
Laila Gohar, Met Office
I was born in Karachi, Pakistan and my family moved to London when I was six. I did my undergraduate and postgraduate study at Imperial College where I followed my love for the environment and physics by focusing on Atmosphere Physics in my PhD. After a post doc at the University of Reading looking at greenhouse gases and their radiative impact, I joined the Met Office and I am currently working in mitigation science and climate resilience.
Michael Lai, Met Office
Born in Hong Kong but moved to Aberystwyth in west-Wales at the tender age of nine. I went to the University of Bristol for my undergraduate, studying physics and philosophy. Not wanting to get a ‘real job’ (can’t bear the thought of a 9am start everyday) went to the University of Reading to do a PhD on understanding the drivers of North Atlantic Variability in climate models. I am now currently working in the Met Office on high resolution (towards 10km atmos – 10km ocean) global climate modelling.
Registration for this event is closed.
The recording of this event will be made available in mid July.
If you have any queries with regards to this event or require any further information please contact us at meetings@rmets.org.
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Join us for the third in our ‘Diverse Voices’ online series! These informal conversations will help to amplify and celebrate the diversity of scientists working in and around the field of weather and climate in the UK. In this session, we will hear from two senior academics of colour about their background and journey to where they are today. Please join us to learn about our speakers’ career paths and experiences of working at the Met Office.
Laila Gohar, Met Office
I was born in Karachi, Pakistan and my family moved to London when I was six. I did my undergraduate and postgraduate study at Imperial College where I followed my love for the environment and physics by focusing on Atmosphere Physics in my PhD. After a post doc at the University of Reading looking at greenhouse gases and their radiative impact, I joined the Met Office and I am currently working in mitigation science and climate resilience.
Michael Lai, Met Office
Born in Hong Kong but moved to Aberystwyth in west-Wales at the tender age of nine. I went to the University of Bristol for my undergraduate, studying physics and philosophy. Not wanting to get a ‘real job’ (can’t bear the thought of a 9am start everyday) went to the University of Reading to do a PhD on understanding the drivers of North Atlantic Variability in climate models. I am now currently working in the Met Office on high resolution (towards 10km atmos – 10km ocean) global climate modelling.
Registration for this event is closed.
The recording of this event will be made available in mid July.
If you have any queries with regards to this event or require any further information please contact us at meetings@rmets.org.
We take data privacy seriously. Please read the RMetS privacy policy to find out more.