Weather Magazine Nov 18 Image


Editors-in-Chief: Eddy Graham and Simon Lee

About this Journal

The aim of Weather is to act as a bridge between the interests of those having a professional and a general interest in the weather, as well as between meteorologists and those working in related fields such as climate science, marine science, hydrometeorology and other related atmospheric and environmental sciences.

Articles and regular features are written for a broad audience – ranging from scientists and practitioners in both academia and industry, to students, teachers, and interested amateurs. Weather also aims to inform and to give readers an opportunity to update their subject knowledge.

Weather is also the 'house journal' of the Society and seeks to keep the reader up-to-date with Society News, and includes meeting and conference reports. The journal is in full-colour and photographs of weather events are an important feature. The monthly feature Weather log provides a summary of the weather of each month and includes meteorological statistics and weather maps. The journal also publishes several other short form articles, including Insights and Climate Change Shorts, which are short back-to-basics explainer articles on meteorological and climate change topics; Spotlights, which provide a high-level analysis of a recent notable weather event; and Book Reviews.

Submissions are encouraged from individuals at all stages of their career.

Weather has been published monthly since May 1946.

Coverage includes:

  • Case studies of weather events, both recent and historical
  • Extreme weather and climate events
  • Weather observation – including the use and interpretation of satellite and radar imagery
  • Climate change
  • Weather and climate as environmental hazards
  • Recent advances in atmospheric science, meteorology, climate science and related fields
  • History of meteorology and climate science

Who would find this journal of interest?

  • Meteorologists in or who have worked in academia and industry
  • Climate scientists
  • Amateur weather observers

As a member of the Society, you will receive Weather as part of your membership package, either as a printed copy or online.