The Meltdown: Abrupt Climate Change since the Last Ice Age.
Gower Street
United Kingdom
This meeting will delve into climates of the recent geological past, from before instrumental records began and when global environmental conditions were different from today. We will address some of the mechanisms that have caused Earth's climate to vary substantially since the cold last glacial maximum (21 thousand years ago, when vast ice sheets covered much of the globe), culminating in the warm climate of the present. The meeting will focus on periods of rapid (decadal-centennial) environmental change, and will offer insights into the modelling and data tools that enable researchers to investigate these past climate states. We will also discuss how researching past climate states and addressing the drivers of past climate transitions could help us to better understand how climate may evolve in the future.
This meeting will delve into climates of the recent geological past, from before instrumental records began and when global environmental conditions were different from today. We will address some of the mechanisms that have caused Earth's climate to vary substantially since the cold last glacial maximum (21 thousand years ago, when vast ice sheets covered much of the globe), culminating in the warm climate of the present. The meeting will focus on periods of rapid (decadal-centennial) environmental change, and will offer insights into the modelling and data tools that enable researchers to investigate these past climate states. We will also discuss how researching past climate states and addressing the drivers of past climate transitions could help us to better understand how climate may evolve in the future.