What is Weather?
Before you begin your competition journey, it is important to understand what we are accepting as 'weather photography'. You can find a full list of what we consider as weather below.
For centuries people have been completely fascinated by the weather and we want you to capture the beauty, power, occasional absurdity and fragility that comes with this force of nature.
This could include:
- sun
- clouds
- rain, snow, hail, wind, tornadoes and storms
- frost or ice
- mist and fog
- optical phenomena such as rainbows, fogbows, halos, sundogs
- lightning
Images can also capture the impact of weather on people and our surroundings, such as:
- floods
- heatwaves
- droughts
We would encourage entries which show the milky way and the Aurora Borealis to also include some weather phenomena as on their own they are not weather related. There are other competitions that deal with astronomical subjects.