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Scottish Association of Geography Teachers (SAGT) Conference 2018

7 November 2018

The Society's Climate Change Negotiations for Schools Resource - 'Simulating a World Climate Conference' - has been recognized and ‘Highly Commended’ at the SAGT Conference Awards 2018 hosted by Dollar Academy.

Morven Neil, RMetS Scottish Education Representative was in attendance at the conference to receive the award and to run a number of seminars that gave conference attendees the opportunity to trial the resource.  In these seminars, a number of Geography teachers from across Scotland worked together in designated country groups to decide their own greenhouse gas emission pledges, deliver these to the other assembled delegates and then negotiate. 

Despite some intense negotiation, they were not able to commit to emission reductions which would limit global temperature increases to within the recommended threshold, but will hopefully leave equipped to confidently deliver the resource in their own classrooms. 

Morven was able to meet with many educators from across Scotland to promote and its wealth of teaching resources, and to make teachers aware of MetMark, our award to recognise excellence in weather teaching.

We look forward to building relationships with Scottish colleagues and our future work together.



Morven Neil (Right) being presented the commendation by SAGT President Marjorie Kerr (Left).



Climate Change Negotiations seminar – teachers in intense negotiations with each other.