Awards and Prizes for outstanding contribution or service to the Society or the Society’s journal 'Weather'
The Society's Outstanding Service Award is awarded annually to a member of the Society who has exceeded the normal bounds of their role to the great benefit of the Society.
The Gordon Manley Weather Prize is awarded annually for any outstanding contribution to Weather through a paper or papers, or other outstanding service to Weather, in the preceding five years that has furthered the public understanding of meteorology and oceanography.
2021 Awards & Prizes
- Distinguished work and careers
- Outstanding contributions published in the Society’s journals
- Original research, innovation and significant contribution to meteorology and its application
- Original contributions of early-career scientists
- Outstanding contribution in public outreach and communication
- Outstanding contribution or service to the Society or the Society’s journal Weather
- Journal Editor's Awards
The Society's Outstanding Service Award
Michael Wood
Michael Wood was Chair of the Royal Meteorological Society’s History Group between 1999 and 2005 and thereafter he has served as Treasurer until stepping down in September 2021. He has given sterling service on this Special Interest Group (SIG) for around 30 years. In addition to his main role of collecting subscriptions and acting as custodian of the Group’s funds, during this period he has also contributed talks and presentations to numerous meetings of the Group. He published and distributed the Group’s Newsletter during his period as Chair and subsequently has made many contributions to it.
Mick worked in the Met Office as Manager of the National Meteorological Archive and Library (NMLA) at Bracknell in the 1980s, retiring in 1998. The Group has always had a close relationship with the NMLA with the manager having an ex officio place on the committee. However, Mick’s role was far greater than this. He conducted research into long-lost publications of the Met Office and presented these at our meetings. His knowledge of the Met Office was invaluable.
Throughout his time on the committee his wry observations on our ideas were a valuable ‘sense-check’ for us. In 1999 he took over the Chair role of the History Group from Malcolm Walker when Malcolm became an employee of the Society; a considerable ‘act’ to follow. He then replaced Dr Jim Burton as Treasurer when Malcolm resumed the role of Chairman in 2005.
The Committee of SIG on History of Meteorology and Physical Oceanography wholeheartedly supports this nomination and warmly thanks Mick Wood for his efficient service to the Royal Meteorological Society and the SIG and wider community of professionals and scholars in meteorology and beyond.
Gordon Manley Weather Prize
Rebecca Venton, CMet, FRMetS
As a mark of outstanding service on the Editorial Board of the Royal Meteorological Society journal, Weather, Rebecca (Becky) Venton has been awarded the Gordon Manley Weather Prize 2021.
Since joining the Weather board more than two years ago, Becky has completely rejuvenated and regalvanised the role of the Book Reviews Editor. Her successful acquisition of a huge number of reviews of relevant titles, linking them to recent Special Issues (e.g. on COP26 in November 2021), with rapid turnaround times, has significantly helped the Editors-in-Chief of the journal. She has also liaised carefully with the Society on the granting special discounts on selected titles and has worked and communicated directly with review authors in a prompt and professional manner. In addition to sourcing book reviews and reviewing the book reviews, Becky has also reviewed a number of research articles submitted to Weather in a detailed and timely manner – as well as reviewing some books herself. Under her leadership, the review process for books is now a smooth and seamless operation.
Weather is also the only journal within the Society’s Portfolio that publishes book reviews. Therefore, Becky’s role today is more important today than ever, given the vital importance of education and the dissemination of the latest research findings on climate change science and the attribution of extreme events to climate change.