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Call for nominations for the 2022 Awards and Prizes

22 June 2022

The Society invites nominations for the 2022 Awards and Prizes, Honorary Fellowships, Symons Gold Medal and Lecture for Lifetime Achievement in Advancing Science, which will all be presented in 2023.

There are awards to recognise distinguished careers, honour outstanding contributions and reward important and original contributions of early-career scientists. It can be one of the most rewarding activities to honour peers and colleagues for their contributions to the science and profession and through education and outreach.

Members have told us they would like to see a broader range of awards, so from this year, we have added awards recognising innovation in the use of observations and instrumentation and use of models, computational tools and visualisation. We have also added an early career communication award and focussed our monetary prizes on early career awards, and amended the remit of some of our existing awards to make these accessible to a broader range of nominees, including co-authors and teams/collaborations.

To simplify the nomination process, we have grouped our new portfolio into four sections:

  • 'Advancing Science'
  • 'Educating, Inspiring and Enthusing'
  • 'Impact on Science, policy and society'
  • 'Contribution or Service to the Society or Profession'.

All Nomination and Application Forms must be submitted by 21 October 2022.  

Winners of the 2021 Awards and Prizes have recently been announced. Details of their achievements can be viewed on our website at rmets.org/awards2021.


If you have any questions regarding the process, please email info@rmets.org.

You can find more details and submit a nomination on our website at rmets.org/awards-and-prizes


Submit a nomination