Climate resources for media
We have compiled a list of useful climate resources for journalists and media outlets. Please let us know if there is anything you would like to see added that could help you in your reporting: comms@rmets.org
Climate briefing papers
What are the benefits of reducing global CO2 emissions to net-zero by 2050?
Global Carbon Budgets: Determining limits of fossil fuel emissions
Attribution of Extreme Weather Events: How does climate change affect weather?
Solar Variability: Does variation in the Sun’s output affect climate?
An ice-free Arctic: what could it mean for European weather?
Understanding the impact of climate change on inland flood risk in the UK
We have several spokespeople available from the Royal Meteorological Society
Prof Liz Bentley FRMetS – Chief Executive
Kirsty McCabe FRMetS – Broadcast Meteorologist and Editor of MetMatters
Hannah Mallinson – Science Engagement Manager
Dr Sylvia Knight FRMetS – Head of Education
Prof David Griggs FRMetS - President
We are also able to recommend speakers from our membership, please contact comms@rmets.org with any requests
Search for a Climate Change Expert within the COP26 Universities Network
RMetS climate-focused publications
International Journal of Climatology – includes the annual publication of the State of the UK Climate Report
WIRES Climate Change - published in partnership with the Royal Meteorological Society and the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG).
Useful resources
https://unfccc.int/ - Official website of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
https://www.ipcc.ch/ - The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate change.
https://ukcop26.org/ - the official website for UK COP26
https://climate.metoffice.cloud/ - Met Office Climate Dashboard (up-to-date climate data)
https://beis.frontify.com/d/TVB3fZEuWNbm/tfop-co - Together for our Planet toolkit
https://climatevisuals.org/ - an evidence-based climate change image library
https://www.climatewatchdata.org/ - Climate Watch offers open data, visualisations and analysis to help policymakers, researchers and journalists gather insights on countries' climate progress.
https://climatefeedback.org/ - a worldwide network of scientists sorting fact from fiction in climate change media coverage.
https://www.sciencemediacentre.org/ - providing journalists with information about science and its related disciplines; making it easier to get access to the best science and scientists when science stories are making the headlines.
https://www.carbonbrief.org/ - UK-based website covering the latest developments in climate science, climate policy and energy policy. Publishing a wide range of content, including science explainers, interviews, analysis and fact checks, as well as daily and weekly email summaries of newspaper and online coverage.
https://skepticalscience.com/ - explaining what peer-reviewed science has to say about global warming and dispelling myths.
https://www.worldweatherattribution.org/ - an international effort to analyse and communicate the possible influence of climate change on extreme weather events.
Reporting extreme weather and climate change: a guide for journalists
https://www.ukclimaterisk.org/ - where all the information about the third UK Climate Change Risk Assessment is hosted, including the latest evidence report published in June 2021.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yD_VWtI4MdsCH4Yh104mW7f2f4XrjVIu/view: Communicating Climate Risk - a toolkit compiled by the COP26 Universities Network.
Recent MetMatters blogs on climate
Science Council – Connected for COP26
Significant dates for 2021-2022
9 August 2021: IPCC AR6 WG1 Report published – The physical science basis
14 September 2021: 76th Session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA)
15 September 2021: RMetS VIRTUAL MEETING I The 6th Major IPCC Science Report and its Implications
17 September 2021: Grantham Institute and RMetS VIRTUAL MEETING I Responding to the Climate Crisis - taking action on the IPCC 6th Assessment Report
- 28 - 30 September 2021: Youth4Climate: Driving Ambition
30 September - 2 October 2021: Pre-COP 26
30 - 31 October 2021: G20 Leaders' Summit
31 October - 12 November 2021: COP26
31 October 2021: State of Global Climate 2021 - WMO Provisional Report
28 February 2022: IPCC AR6 WG2 report – impacts, adaption and vulnerability
4 April 2022: IPCC AR6 WG3 report – mitigation of climate change
TBC September 2022: IPCC AR6 Synthesis Report
Climate Comms training
Over the last three years, the Society has been working alongside broadcasters and climate scientists to deliver climate change communication training for broadcast meteorologists, producers and journalists from ITV, BBC and Sky. These courses aim to refresh and deepen knowledge about climate change, enabling teams to develop a wider understanding of climate science, causes of climate change, the link between extreme weather events and climate change, and the social and economic impacts of climate change.
As well as providing guidance on where to find reliable and up-to-date information; the aim of the training is to ensure broadcast meteorologists have the knowledge to answer (often difficult) climate-related questions. Alongside this, we aim to support journalists in reporting accurately and effectively on climate change at a local level, making it relevant to their audience.
The courses are designed to be interactive, with discussion and exercises helping the delegates to learn by sharing experiences and to take an active role in their learning. We aim to help to build confidence amongst presenters and reporters when discussing climate in relation to weather events, which supports more factual reporting about climate change in a way that is accessible to a general audience.
Matt Taylor, BBC Broadcast Meteorologist said:
“It was an immensely engaging and interactive course that explored every aspect of climate change. Through real environmental examples and references to past climate, it helped give us ways to communicate the facts”
We are also now working with ITV to deliver top-up courses providing the latest climate news, we have just partnered with the PRCA to deliver courses in 2022 and we have also delivered bespoke courses to Plant Network and Bgen.
PRCA Climate Change Communications Course with RMetS
If you are a media outlet interested in finding out more about the training we can provide to support your staff. Please contact ella.clarke@rmets.org
Image credit: Neil Baker / Climate Visuals Countdown