FRMetS Register

To become a Fellow, applicants must demonstrate that they meet both the following requirements:

Requirement 1. Has a formal academic qualification involving meteorology, or a vocational qualification in meteorology, or long involvement in a variety of meteorological activities at a professional level or as an amateur enthusiast.
Requirement 2. Makes substantial contributions to promoting meteorology as a science, profession or interest.

Applicants are required to provide two referees, at least one of whom must be a fellow of RMetS.

Full details of how to apply are given on our Fellowship Scheme page.

All those elected may use the post-nominals FRMetS as a statement of their standing in meteorology.


Please contact us if you would like to be removed from this list.

Title Forenames Surname
Dr Luke Abraham
Capt Daniel Adams Jr
Dr Daniel Adamson
Dr Ken Addison
Prof Joseph Omoniyi Adejuwon
Dr Maureen Agnew
Dr Nashat Ahmad
Prof Grant Allen
Dr John Allen
Dr Lesley Catherine Allison
Mr Chris Almond
Dr Magdalena Alonso Balmaseda
Ms Rosanna Amato
Mr George David Anderson
Dr David Anderson
Dr Philip Stuart Anderson
Mr Richard Anderson-Jones
Mr Michael Annison
Mr Philip Anwyl
Dr Karen Aplin
Prof Helen Apsimon
Dr Alexander Thomas Archibald
Prof Athanassios Argiriou
Mr Neil Armstrong
Prof Nigel Arnell
Dr Samantha Jane Arnold
Mr Peter Ashley
Capt R Askew
Mr Jorg Asmus
Dr Maria Athanassiadou
Prof Bruce Atkinson
Mr David Atkinson
Dr Barney Nicolas Austin
Mr Nicholas Austin
Mr Stephen Auty
Mr James Bacon
Mr Michael Bader
Dr Charles Roger Badham
Mr Michael Bagg
Dr Nicholas Baker
Mr Mark Baker
Dr Timothy Baker
Prof Christopher James Baker
Mr Adam Bakke
Ms Heather Baldwin-Lewis
Mrs Stephanie Ball
Mr Stephen Barber
Mr Richard Barker
Prof Dale Barker
Prof Janet Fraser Barlow