Register of Registered Meteorologists

Registered Meteorologists are expected to provide a high-quality service based on their experience and expertise. The service is often provided to those not specialists in the subject. Registered Meteorologists may use the post-nominal RMet in their professional activities.

NOTE: The Society does not provide any guarantee of the quality of individual work by registered meteorologists. Those who provide professional services on their own behalf to third parties are responsible for their own work and professional indemnity cover.

Title Forenames Surname Accreditation date Public profile
Miss Jaime Anderson
Mr Joseph Antelo
Mr Mark Baker
Mr Adam Bakke
Mr Jonathen Beliera
Mrs Eleanor Bell
Mr William Michael Benton
Mrs Nicola Berry
Mr Frederick Best
Dr Matthew Robert Box
Mrs Sarah Jane Brassington
Mr Tom Broadbent
Mrs Mary Burch
Mr Gareth Burleigh-Harvey
Mr Christopher Burton
Mr Aaron Burton
Mr Stefano Conte
Mr Matthew Conticchio
Mr Darrell Converse
Mr Bruno Costa
Mr Steven Crampton
Ms Aisling Creevey
Miss Alison Davies
Mr Mathew Harri Davies
Miss Rebecca Davies
Mr Bryan de Gruchy
Mr John DeFluri
Mr Peter Degorski
Mr Jeremy DeMoss
Mr Matthew Dib
Mr Eric Donten
Mr Brian Dowd
Mr Byron Drew
Miss Natalie Eaton
Mr Theo Elliott
Miss Claire Ellis
Mr Warrick Eyre
Mr James Edward Fearnley
Ms Clare Finn
Mr William Flamholtz
Ms Rebecca Gilbert
Mr Kyle Gollegly
Mrs Emma Hamshaw
Ms Stephanie Hinze
Mr Martin Craig Hopwood
Ms Linda Hughes
Mr Matthew Victor Hugo
Mr Kenneth John Hume
Miss Jodie Rochelle Hunt
Mr Clement Hutin