Atmospheric Chemistry Special Interest Group
The Atmospheric Chemistry Special Interest Group (ACSG) fosters interest in atmospheric chemistry within the context of meteorology. ACSG uses the classic method of a learned society, hosting an annual conference to which a wide cross-section of researchers are invited, from students to professors and from universities to government departments.
The group usually has an annual meeting which is focused on a single topic but which is of suitable breadth to attract a wide audience. ACSG will also respond to topical interest, for example in 2003 it organised an extra meeting on the split ozone hole of 2002. For our annual meeting we normally have one internationally-recognised speaker from overseas, supported by a wide variety of UK speakers.
ACSG is currently organised by two conveners: Dr Ryan Hossaini (Lancaster University) and Dr Paul Griffiths (University of Cambridge). There is no formal membership, so the organisers consult an ad-hoc committee of atmospheric chemistry researchers about the form and content of the annual meetings, and about the balance of subject matter and invited speakers. Anyone with particular ideas for a meeting theme are encouraged to contact either of the conveners.
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